Meet the Owner!

Hey there! I am Johanna, Owner of Johanna Lesley Creations! I have owned and operated Johanna Lesley Creations since 2017.

Married for almost 17 years to my amazing husband and we love going off roading in our Jeep whenever we can!

After working in Corporate and driving hours every day, I realized that it wasn’t what I wanted to do with my career life.

While this is my Small Business, it’s more than that to me. It is still a hobby to me and as the saying goes “Find something you love to do, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” I believe this wholeheartedly and I apply this to every order I fulfill.

I look forward to working with you today and future days ahead. Word of mouth is the highest compliment my small business can receive. By supporting my small business, you help support a dream, a passion, a family and so much more! Your support is truly appreciated and will never go unnoticed.